GAF AG will be at the ESA-ESRIN URBIS24 Workshop, taking place at ESA/ESRIN in Frascati, Italy. From 16-18 September, 2024, urban policymakers, Earth Observation researchers, service providers and various end-users will meet to explore urban challenges and innovative EO-integrated solutions. Presentations from invited speakers will be addressing key urban challenges and insights on latest results from experts leveraging Earth Observation for urban problem-solving and monitoring.
Stay tuned for our GAF AG expert Dr. Christophe Sannier:
Tuesday, 17 Sept, 2024:9:30am – 11:00am: “Harmonized Pan European time series for monitoring soil sealing” and
5:30pm – 7:00pm: “A Remote Sensing Case Study in Urban Heat Island Information Product Development, Dissemination and Usage for Sargodha City in Pakistan”
Come and join us for this important event!