As part of the Suriname Competitiveness and Sector Diversification (SCSD) Programme being run by the World Bank, GAF AG, an e-GEOS (Telespazio/ASI) company, has been awarded the lead role in two consultancy contracts, with these being “International mining specialist to support the establishment and commissioning of the Minerals Institute of Suriname: Cadastre and Geological Survey” and “Establishment and commissioning of the Minerals Institute of Suriname: Mining Inspectorate”.
The mining industry has strategic importance for the economy of Suriname. Because of this, and the fact that the mineral resource potential of the country is still untapped to a considerable extent, the “Delfstoffen Authoriteit Suriname” (DAS) authority has been newly created. Its objectives are the promotion, coordination, regulation, monitoring and inspection of the mining industry, with the aim of ensuring it makes an optimal contribution to Suriname’s sustainable development.
In support of DAS, GAF has been assigned the task of assessing, defining, designing and conceptualising the main pillars of a strong mining governance structure. The aim of this is to establish a modern digital mining cadastre, ensure efficient performance of the geological survey and set up a mine inspection department. Activities include assessing the existing legal and regulatory frameworks, the extractive industry sector and all its stakeholders.
During this assessment process, known and potential natural mineral resources and reserves will be analysed, and environmental threats will be taken into account, as will the interests and expectations of all the stakeholders, in particular the affected communities. This assessment forms the basis for designing the main standard operating procedures, and for defining the capacity, training and technical requirements. For the future geological survey and mining cadastre, a concept for digital data management is being developed. Finally, the setup of the core institutions will be supported and training and capacity building will be provided to ensure the new institutions function efficiently.