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Service on Demand

Fast and reliable geo-information in time-critical situations

GAF AG used EO satellite data as far back as 1986, to assess the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Since then, it has continually developed and established dedicated methods and approaches for time-critical applications based on remote sensing technologies. Since 2012, GAF AG has implemented and consolidated an operational Service-on-Demand team focusing on 

  • Rapid data procurement and provision
  • Fast and smooth delivery of urgently needed products, 
  • Provision of dedicated services to world-wide programmes and projects

For quick reactivity, GAF Service on Demand offers the advantage that all the organisational and technical tasks have already been implemented, tested and made operational, to provide a smooth processing workflow. GAF permanently maintains a systematic and standardised set-up, and the ready-to-use availability of technical and human resources with comprehensive and dedicated capabilities and capacities, addressing

  • Quick reactivity to global events
  • Scalable stand-by mode
  • Production in priority/rush mode
  • Product delivery within hours/days
  • Standardised procedures, content and format
