Munich, 12 November, 2024 – GAF AG, an e-GEOS (Telespazio/ASI) company, is pleased to announce that its ongoing collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and New Space India Ltd. (NSIL) has been appreciated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany during the recent 7th round of India-Germany Inter-Governmental Consultations (IGC). In the IGC, this collaboration initiative, which is strongly supported by ESA and DLR, has received high appreciation for its potential impact on joint satellite data utilization and environmental monitoring.
The partnership between GAF AG and NSIL focuses on enhancing the application of Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) data in Europe, supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) and German Space Agency (DLR), by adding capacities from the OceanSat-3 (aka EOS-06) and RISAT-1A (aka EOS-04) satellites. This collaboration aims to leverage advanced satellite technologies and applications to serve critical demands e.g. in climate change research, disaster management, and agricultural optimization in Europe.
The leaders from both nations acknowledged the significance of this initiative during the consultations, emphasizing its role in fostering international cooperation in space technology and data sharing. GAF AG is committed to ensuring that the valuable data generated by these Indian satellites are efficiently utilized also for the benefit of the scientific community, public entities and key policymakers in Europe.
By integrating these data into frameworks like the Copernicus program and the Third-Party Missions (TPM) program, GAF AG, ESA and DLR aim to enhance global understanding of environmental challenges and support sustainable development initiatives, both within the scientific community and for operational applications in Europe.
GAF AG is excited about this recent high-level recognition by the Indian and German governments and is looking forward to continuing its collaboration with NSIL, driving innovation and impactful solutions through satellite data, with strong support from ESA and DLR.