In recent years, many forests have been weakened by storms, drought and pest infestation. GAF AG gave financial support to the Neustrelitz Forestry Office in 2022 as part of its Christmas fundraising campaign. And now, the planned planting campaign could finally be realised with nine employees from our branch in Neustrelitz.
Together with five employees from the Neustrelitz Forestry Office, they planted almost 1,500 sessile oak (Quercus petraea) seedlings in an area of ​​approx. 4,000m² in one afternoon in the Zinow forestry district near Lake Großer Lanzsee. The previous spruce stand in this area had to be felled due to bark beetle infestation.
By planting native deciduous species such as sessile oak, the aim is to promote the natural conversion of forests from coniferous monocultures to mixed forests, and increase the resilience of forests to climate stress.
Since the forestry office had already pre-drilled some of the planting holes with augers, the joint action could be carried out quickly and efficiently. In addition, the forestry office had already planted a total of around 500 Norway maples and locust trees at large intervals in the area in advance.
Many thanks to the employees of the Neustrelitz Forestry Office: Ms. Meußling (District Manager), Mr. Grevel (officer for forestry support, private forest management, public relations, forest education), Mr. Barthelmeß (Forestry Manager for Forest Education) and the two trainees. We had a lot of fun with the planting campaign.
Everyone left the district with a smile and the knowledge that they had made a small but important contribution to protecting our local forest!