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GAF presents the High-Resolution Layer (HRL) 2015 Forest and Grassland products to European Environment Agency (EEA)

May 9, 2018

On 3rd May 2018, the production results for the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service’s High-Resolution Layer (HRL) 2015  were presented to the European Environment Agency (EEA) in Copenhagen, Denmark. This was done at the HRL 2015 Final Meeting. GAF has been responsible for producing the pan-European HRL Forest and HRL Grassland data sets for all EEA39 countries, in close collaboration with its partners. All the products were created using advanced time series processing based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. The high quality of the results was acknowledged and appreciated by the EEA.

David Herrmann (GAF) presenting the results of the High Resolution Layer Forest 2015 to EEA

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